March 30, 2012

Ethics, Energy, Emotion and the Human condition

This report seeks to associate ethics with vigor and emotion in order to help humanity reach its optimum state of condition and well being. It is crucial that humanity achieves a high level of coherence with the new Platonic--Fullerene Chemistry because if provides a key to human survival on this planet. The hypothesize for this being that Pfc is based on ethical science, as opposed to the sterile, entropic chemistry that humanity is currently subject to. An ongoing obsession with this entropic chemistry can only lead to incoherence, disorder and total breakdown. This paper will show how ethics and ethical science are crucial to human evolution. We need to understand how vigor and emotion fit into this photo and how to utilise these two soldiery to bring about ethical behaviour for the betterment of the human condition.

Platonic--Fullerene Chemistry, so named by Professor Robert Pope, director of the Science--Art Centre of Australia, embraces the metaphysical engineering principles of both Plato and Buckminster Fuller. Buckminster Fuller, inspired by Platonic geometry, designed geodesic spheres, later replicated by a team of chemists, who named them 'buckyballs' in his honour. They became a scientific sensation, alluding to solutions to the world's vigor crisis, as will be explained in this article. The buckyball story is largely about carbon, an astounding element, with over 90 percent of all known chemical substances built colse to it; possibly the most prominent being, the Dna and its proteins.

However, despite organic chemistry being based on carbon, it wasn't until 1985 that its most astounding feature was discovered. Until then the only two known forms that consisted entirely of carbon atoms were diamond and graphite. Graphite carbon atoms (which are formed in stacked sheets of related hexagons) are each bonded weakly to three other atoms, giving graphite its soft, greasy feel. In 1985, scientists discovered that by using a noteworthy laser beam they could vaporise graphite in an climate of helium gas. Analysing the resulting carbon clusters, they discovered carbon molecules of a previously unknown nature, of which the most base was a exquisite sphere comprising hexagonal and pentagonal geometrical shapes that contained 60 carbon atoms.

After much debate, it became apparent to the scientists complex (Curl, Kroto and Smalley) that these round molecules were very stable. They then discovered that this compound of geometric shapes formed the basis of the geodesic sphere designed by Robert Buckminster Fuller, for the 1967 Montreal World Exhibition. From then on, the new carbon molecule was known as the buckminsterfullerene, now shortened to fullerene or buckyball, which chemists write as C 60. After the prestigious scientific journal 'Nature' (Holper & Sarre 1999) published this astounding finding, quite a stir took place in the scientific community, once it was realised that buckyballs could be very beneficial substances. In 1996, for this discovery, Curl, Kroto and Smalley became recipients of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Owing to their unusual hollow cage-like shape, science finds buckyball molecules and other fullerenes intriguing, especially as the carbon atoms can react with other atoms and molecules, while retaining their integrity and shape. Scientists have also discovered tubes of carbon-like rolls of chicken wire by passing an galvanic current in the middle of graphite rods. These carbon tubes, (nanotubes or buckytubes) form a series of embedded cylinders, which when catalysed by a miniature dose of cobalt, nickel or iron, form a hollow nanotube a mere one atom thick. These tubes can be of great length, comprising up to one million carbon atoms.

Fullerenes are being utilised in numerous ways, possibly most importantly for their newly discovered vigor producing potential. Fuel coated carbon nanotubes are now known to originate an electrical current from a fast consuming thermal combustion wave, travelling along its length, by dragging electrons behind. Massachusetts institute of Technology scientists have discovered that this energising process produces weight proportionately, 100 times more vigor than a lithium-ion battery. Also, unlike batteries, it does not extraction vigor while not being used.

Nanotubes, being 50 to 200 nanometres thick, are wide adequate to allow the passage of proteins functioning with coherent light waves. According to the German scientist Hans Herman Gerdes, nanotubes span distances of any cell diameters connecting two cut off cell interiors, giving the organism a new way of communicating over long ranges. Gerdes colleague, Amin Rustom discovered plainly occurring nanotubes in rat cells and later, together they saw them forming in the middle of human kidney cells as well. With the help of video microscopy, they observed adjacent cells reaching out to each other with antenna--like projections, establishing taste and completing the tubular connection. This process goes far beyond previously observed cellular pairing, as the cells send out many nanotubes, forming an intricate and movable network of related cells, persisting anyone from minutes to hours. By utilising fluorescent proteins, Gerde's team also discovered that relatively large cellular structures were able to commute in the middle of cells, straight through these nanotubes.

Scientists have long known that carbon nanotubes are very effective in conducting heat. New portion biology study demonstrates that the functioning of carbon nanotubes violates the second law of thermodynamics, as Robert Pope clearly incredible any years ago. The second law has, for a very long time, been held sacrosanct in scientific circles. This is because logic says that hot things can only become cold, not hotter. However, at nano scales. It seems that distinct rules can apply. Scientists speaking of thermal conductivity, refer to heat as 'phonons' consuming straight through material. Within ordinary materials such as wood, phonons continually bump into things. Collisions scatter the heat packages, slowing their improve in much the same way that a crowded race track would impede the execution of an Olympic runner. This is not so with carbon nanotubes. In disagreement to entropic chemistry, heat applied to one end of a carbon nanotube races to the other end 100 times faster than heat travelling straight through the most conductive metals.

Chih Wei Chang's team at Berkeley University created defects in their nanotubes to slow down the thermal vigor process. Surprisingly, this had no work on on their heat conducting powers, leaving their thermal conductivity intact. The fact that thermal waves do not slow down in contorted tubes contradicts second law logic. According to thermo dynamic science, carbon at 1000 kelvins should soon become carbon dioxide. Yet, due to the substantial speed of the phonons at temperatures in excess of 2,500 kelvins, the intensely hot carbon was left unburned.

Michael Strano, one of the world's top chemists, poured a line of gasoline on the ground, next to a stick of the same length. He lit both at the same end simultaneously, knowing the flame would move much faster straight through the liquid. However, while lab experiments, the heatwave igniting the fuel--drenched nanotube travelled 10,000 times faster than straight through the fuel alone. The resulting super fast wave, appeared to be self--propagating. This is not inherent According to the second law. However, as the fuel burned it released greater heat into the nanotube, wholly violating classical thermodynamics. According to Strano, the heat wave, consuming at rocket speed, excites the nanotube's electrons, consuming them along with it. This thermal power wave, generates electricity at an astounding rate, indicating new sources of inherent clean energy. The principle here seems to be the faster the wave the greater the power. The vigor generated by the fuel drenched nanotube, as mentioned, is already much higher than that of a lithium ion battery and this is just the starting of their substantial potential.

Dr Bruce Lipton made a huge breakthrough in portion biology with his discovery that the fractal properties of the cell are related to cellular evolution and hence, the evolutionary inherent of the whole organism. His book titled The Biology of Belief, shows that genes and Dna are not the controllers of our biology. Instead, Dna is controlled by environmental signals from surface the cell. Lipton postulated that energetic messages from certain and negatives attitudes in response to our feelings and the way we comprehend environmental reality, have a strong ensue on our consciousness. In this synthesis of the most recent study in portion cell biology, Lipton posits that our Dna and thus our bodies can convert as our reasoning and perception is retrained. Robert Pope has obtained experimental evidence that an unconscious optical sensing of reality has been evolving creative holographic perceptions for many centuries.

Furthermore, as both Lipton and Pope predicted, environmental information as portion waveforms, received by protein receptor bio-photons in the cellular liquid-crystal membrane are transmitted electromagnetically straight through nanotubes to reassemble protein enfolding in the Dna. The ensue of the fractal logic sonic beatings of the heart rhythmically related with our feelings, formulate the constant re patterning of Dna, contradicting our gift understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. This process evolves consciousness to equilibrium entropy, as insisted by the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Svent Gyoergyi.

The heart beat transforms into electromagnetic vigor in the body's glandular system, holographically copying the heart's emotional sound. We taste feeling from incoming environmental light-energy information directed straight through the cellular carbon nanotubes. This information, as coherent laser light racing straight through carbon nanotubes modulates the Dna's codons (antenna--like triggers), which are activated by electromagnetic vigor passing straight through the duplicate helix. Accordingly, the number of codons triggered by the wave is determined by the intensity of the emotional experience. Sensually, the more pleasing the taste aesthetically the greater the thermal nanotubule energy, hence the higher the electromagnetic vibration.

Dr Candace pert, in The Molecule of Emotion, posits that consciousness is like light. She explains how emotions exist both in a portion biological state as vigor and matter in the vibrating receptors on every cell in the body. In her scientific work while the 1980's, she theorised how the 'body--mind' functions as a single psychoacoustic network of information molecules that operate our condition and psychology. When we are in a psychologically wholesome and emotionally sound condition we feel good and we can then act in ethical ways. Ethical participation in the evolving condition of universal consciousness describes the basis of Aristotle's science to guide ennobling government, in order for humanity to avoid extinction.

Immanuel Kant, like many Enlightenment thinkers, held the reasoning faculty in high esteem. In his work on aesthetics he argued that our judgment enabled us to taste beauty, grasping such experiences as part of an ordered, purposeful natural world. Aesthetics, however, only accounts for the outer appearance of things and does not necessarily delineate to Aristotelian ethics. Although Kantian aesthetics can lead to ethics, it can only do so by defying our incomplete understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. In essence, aesthetics can only comprehend attractiveness within entropic decay. However, the bio-ethics of the late Dr George Cockburn of the Australian Science--Art Centre, in his book about art appreciation, refers to the actual process of ethical beauty, not just snap shots of it. The fractal nature of ethical beauty, seen in the functioning of the 'beautiful attractor' utilises Phi harmonics and related fractal phenomena, to vocalize optimum, healthy, evolutionary consciousness.

Phi ratio frequencies, related with Platonic harmonics, originate a vibration that resonates with our hearts, transmitting a high frequency wave to the Dna. As mentioned, up to 60 codon triggers then engage with the heart resonance, allowing the host organism to function at higher vigor levels. The higher the number of triggers activated, the higher the signal frequency and the greater the ethical response. Response to ethical universal purpose is intuitive and has nothing to do with learned morality. This understanding was postulated last century by the electromagnetic theories of the scientist instructor Maria Montessori.

Intuitive response to universal ethics, which requires a state of higher consciousness, depends upon environmental electromagnetic frequencies (emfs). Mainstream entropic science holds that strong emfs are much more prominent than weak emfs, the latter having miniature or no biological effect. However, many scientists believe electromagnetic fields conventionally determined as being thermally weak (or non-ionising) may be high in biological information content. Weak electromagnetic fields are now understood to be both bio-energetic and bio-informational, with measurable biological effects. The Chinese, for example, have known about this for thousands of years with their Yin Yang concept, in which the Yin emf is weak but has a high informational content. From this seeing it can be reasoned that high informational article is important to provide Dna with the important evolutionary, survival data.

In my book Feminine Ethics in the New estimation of Humanity, (a delineate of Dr George Cockburn's book A Bioaesthetic Key to Creative Physics and Art, I wrote that Dr Cockburn's work was about how cerebral mechanisms function in response to a universal reality maintained by the balancing of both entropic and negentropic vigor systems. Entropic systems, which work on the basis of strong emfs with low bio--informational content, cannot be sustainable. Increasingly strengthening emfs with decreasing biological survival information must, in the long term, ensue in species extinction. Unless entropic emfs are balanced with weak emfs with the important ethical, survival data, it is clear that there can be no long--term hereafter for humanity.

Homoeopathy is a good example of using weak field emfs to achieve biological equilibrium to bring about optimum health. Other examples of thermally weak, but high informational article fields are illustrated light, medical touch, intuition, and clairvoyance. About this, biological tissues have electronic components that can receive and transmit weak electronic signals that are admittedly below entropic thermal comprehension. Biological organisms use these weak electromagnetic fields (electric and photonic) to delineate holographically, with all parts of themselves.

German chemist, Kurt Geckeler and his colleague Shashadhar Samal, while carrying out water property study in South Korea, discovered a whole new size to what happens when you dissolve a substance in water and then add more water. Approved science states that the dissolved molecules plainly spread additional and additional apart as a explication is diluted, weakening any ensue it may have. However, these two chemists found that some molecules clump together, in fractal fashion, first as clusters and then as bigger aggregates of those clusters. Rather than drifting apart from their neighbours, they admittedly become closer.

Logic suggests fractal clumping is about memory information ethically balancing the system. This portion entanglement state of change, from a homogeneous to a non homogeneous condition, occurs by way of the strange attractor linking the living process to infinity by ethically balancing entropy. As it expands, the dissolved substance becomes increasingly less noticeable. However, the beautiful attractor, balanced by the strange attractor, adds new information to the water by joining molecules and catalysing the ensue of the substance-water mix, by tapping into its memory.

The scientists stumbled upon this ensue while investigating fullerenes at their lab in the Kwangju institute of Science and Technology in South Korea. They discovered that the football--shaped buckyball molecules kept forming irregular aggregates in the solution. When they diluted the solution, the size of the fullerene particles increased, a phenomenon new to chemistry. In order to get the otherwise insoluble buckyballs to dissolve in water, the chemists mixed it with a circular sugar--like molecule called a cyclodextrin.

From these results there is clearly a direct link in the middle of the functions of the beautiful and strange attractors. Just as aesthetics requires strong emfs and miniature bioinformation, ethics, on the other hand, needs weak emfs and increased fractal information. These two become balanced and harmonised at a mutual centre, According to golden mean geometries, as Robert Pope has predicted.

The most number of electrical ethical information standing as a wave electron spin function is settled in the heart. The heart has seven discreet layers that are arranged to the seven spin angles of the fullerene tetrahedra. As the electron spin activates symmetry, the heart truly can be seen as the beautiful attractor. The golden mean fractal heart--shape is about unfolding this spin into usable wavelengths. In fact, the heart can be seen to be the transformer for maximum entry of spin or vigor into the body. All these seven spin geometrical angles focus on a weathervane-like spiral strip of the torus attractor at the centre of the heart.

This dense centre affects the sound of the heart projected onto the wall of the pericardium. The torus attractor affects the phase of the sonic vigor vibrating both the pericardium and thymus. The Thymus (also known as the vigor centre referred to as the heart chakra), is where immune principles instructions are translated. The thymus uses these sonic shadows on the wall of the pericardium cave to ascertain the wave distance ingredients to incorporate into cellular identity. This appears to occur because phase or wave-sharing coherence makes cell membranes possible. Cellular membranes are liquid crystal, self organising chemical libraries processing environmental signals (phenomena) as well as holographic heart--wave frequencies.

The convergence of electrical and sonic pressure is exemplified by the muscular and toroidal electrical structure of the heart. If the orderliness or coherence of electrical vigor grows, then condition endorphins ensue affecting Candace Pert's 'Molecule of Emotion'. The immune principles of the body expands, bringing about a state of well being, aligning it with the ethical human condition. This state of optimum condition and beautiful/strange attractor harmonics, triggers intuitive awareness translating into ethical behaviour.

The heart, however, is not the body's only beautiful attractor as the centriole, in each mammalian cell, also takes on this role. The function of centrioles has been controversial and remains incompletely resolved because centrioles, in and of themselves, do not directly achieve any known physiological activity. Instead, their role is commonly seen to be that of a framework onto which other functional structures are built. It is determined by science that centrioles are primarily complex in forming two structures, centrosomes and cilia. However, Dr Johan Callerman, in his book, titled The Purposeful Universe, posits that the centriole has, among it assorted functions, the role of orchestrating cellular organisation as well as the formation of the whole organism.

This makes sense from the standpoint of its role in cell department while which the centrosome divides and replicates resulting in two centrosomes, each with its own pair of centrioles. The centriole pair, consuming to opposite ends of the nucleus, then grows micro-tubules responsible for separating replicating chromosomes into two daughter cells.

However, the centriole's function appears to go much further. According to the most recent science on the subject centrioles may be a key element in understanding life and consciousness. Centrioles found in every mammalian cell may be what gives life the dynamism that science is unable to explain. Science cannot plainly mix chemicals and originate life. It cannot even begin to originate life from non living matter. Even if science could do this it still doesn't clarify life. However, as science learns more about centrioles entropic world view physics becomes much less credible.

Centrioles, while exercising a high degree of operate over the cells, seem to be attuned to some higher ethical criteria, in contradiction to entropic second law understanding. Although,the centriole seems to be no more than an antenna-like structure, transmitting intelligence to the cell, its advice has to come from beyond entropic logic, as incredible by the Platonic Science for Ethical Ends, belonging to the functioning of the Greek Nous. So, if centrioles and Dna codons act like aerials, what signals are they picking up and responding to?

Science is hard-pressed to clarify the source of any animating signal advent from the corporeal universe. Anaxagoras sought to clarify this with his 'Nous', a creative force based on fractal logic. Entropic science may be able to offer an operational report about consciousness, but it does not tell us how life happens or why it happens the way it does.

Although the living cell, an extraordinarily complex structure, cannot be explained operationally by science it is now recognised that the centriole is probably a major key in our understanding of how the inanimate becomes animate and even, to some degree, the source of Anaxagoras' Nous consciousness (an innate consuming property in the sub stratum of the corporeal atom). Centrioles, composed of sub structures, called 'micro--tubules' and settled in the nucleus of all mammalian cells, may point to the existence of David Bohm's holographic non--physical universe. As science is increasingly being forced to view 'fields' as a basic substance of reality', such a thought has validity.

The first thought of the centriole being the inherent key to consciousness was clearly alluded to by Roger Penrose, one of the world's top physicists. However, the function of the centriole does not fit in with his purely materialist interpretation. Consciousness is not plainly a matter of adequate computer power, which if so, would replace futuristic human inherent with synthetic intelligence. Centrioles, as basic antennas focusing into existence some sort of life from surface this corporeal universe, may well provide for dynamical life, as well as being the focus and source of consciousness. If, as Anaxagoras postulated, consciousness comes from within the sub stratum of each atom, holographically it becomes the universal mind. This thought fits well with the commonly standard interpretation of portion mechanics, which like Anaxagoras' 'Nous', does not have ethics built into it.

This was a specific problem for the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, which existed to fuse ethics into the Nous, so that the creative force would not become destructive. Within the enlightenment limitations of his time Plato did the best he could with the idea of ethics. Robert Pope's titling of Platonic--Fullerene Chemistry upgrading portion mechanics to portion biology was recognised on the 24th of September 2010 by the Italian Republic, as the Florentine New estimation of Humanity Renaissance.

The existence of an electrical body or organising field of intelligence (auric sheath) formed colse to all living organisms has long been proposed and this is now being measured by the Florentine Project. This field is held to consist of the system's intelligence that organises the structure of the body down to the atomic level. The fractal structure of the corporeal heart, receives this field vigor and transforms it into electrical energy, reading its encoded information. The brain, acting as a detector of this information, communicates with the cellular systems of the body, causing an information flow to trip up and down the harmonic frequency scale. Each phrase--like heartbeat is part of a song that sends organising instructions throughout the host organism's system. This is explained by Texas University's Dr Richard Merrick, in his book Interference--a grand musical theory, in which he translated this Pythagorean Music of the Spheres into a electromagnetic report of the human cerebral process.

Ethical behaviour is not about doing the right thing for its own sake. In essence, it is about being coherent with universal survival information. As human survival data requires constant updates, like news flashes, increasingly ordered complex information is required. Yet, for it to be useful, it has to be intuitively ordered by the beautiful attractor, and then acted upon by the strange attractor. Therefore, it is the heart, not the brain, that passes this crucial information on to the Dna. For this patterning to be both ordered and irregular simultaneously, the model used has to be of a fractal nature.

Fractal logic, displaying a weak emf with strong biological information, is a unifying thought integrating scale-dependence and complexity, both of which are central to our understanding of biological patterns and processes. Given that fractal and chaos principles are comparatively new fields, it is possibly not surprising that most biologists are still grappling with these concepts. Recognition of the fractal geometry of nature has prominent implications to biology, as evidenced by the many examples presented herein.

Fractal logic embraces sub-units that look as if the larger scale shape. This is analogous to seeing in a mirror while retention a second mirror in your hand facing the first one. An infinite series of reflections can be seen, with each becoming smaller until the eye can no longer glimpse it. If we alter the distance in the middle of the two mirrors, the scale will convert but the ratio will remain constant. Mathematically speaking, as fractals vocalize the same ratio while changing scale, their geometric patterning allows electrical and light frequency harmonics to exchange vigor over great distances of wavelengths as a function of portion entanglement.

As mentioned, the heart sends coherent wavelengths to the Dna, which, attuned to its vibrations, receives sonic emotions. Not only do the emotions feed the Dna but also the cellular metabolism. Cells have to carry out vast numbers of chemical reactions to vocalize their allowable function, all of which need vigor from the emotions, causing the centriole to react and drive cell replication.

Some scientists have recently postulated that the centrioles are admittedly the eyes of the cell. Centrioles come in pairs that are oriented perpendicular to each other. The structure of these pairs strongly suggests that, apart from their wide range of other attributes, centrioles do function as cellular eyes. Each centriole can only map the angle of its source information in a plane perpendicular to its axis. However, as light sources are distributed in three dimensions, the second centriole is at right angles to the first. This embraces the geometry of the plane source, as well as a three dimensional extension.

This 90 degree offset polarisation may well act like Chroma-depth lenses, allowing an evolving 3D pattern recognition of holographic reality. This means that the centrioles, as cellular eyes, are able to comprehend depth as well as perpendicular orientation. Such a proposal was used by Robert Pope in his now sublime improvement to the optical key upholding Leonardo da Vinci's principles of all Knowledge.

Coherent sonic waves from the heart to the centriole also pertain to the reasoning and emotional condition of the host organism. study reveals that as long term depression will at last cause a breakdown in corporeal well being a specific association exists in the middle of our reasoning and emotional state of health. medical study shows that no matter how well babies are fed and kept warm, without the loving touch of their mothers they can seriously become adversely affected. This is because the loving hugs of the mom are promptly transmitted to the baby's Dna. The aged Greeks reliance that the moon had an ensue on the female menstrual cycle led to a science to clarify a mother's love and compassion for children. This makes exquisite sense when inspecting the beautiful attractor association in the middle of the moon and the mother. Such heart induced ethical behaviour comes from deep cellular survival data from within the Dna, signalling the mother's intuition to alert her to any threat to her babies.

From this, it can be reasoned that our emotions program our Dna and shape the immune principles of our cells. Negative emotions, give out strong thermal signals with miniature coherent content, damaging the coherence of our immune systems. Counter-wise, certain emotions, which have weak emfs but abundant coherent information, enhance the immune system. The healthier the immune principles the healthier the host organism. The astounding thing is that from certain weak emfs we can originate high levels of vigor from which we feel a heightened certain sense of self, as part of the holographic universe. This sense of association helps us feel true 'Epicurean happiness'. Feeling good aesthetically, on the other hand, only connects us emotionally with attractiveness going into decay. When we feel admittedly energised and regain in our lives we are much more likely to act in ethical ways. There is, therefore, a specific link in the middle of our vigor levels and our inclination to act in ethical ways for the betterment of all.

Ethics, Energy, Emotion and the Human condition

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