November 20, 2011

Earth's Brain, Akashic Records and Paranormal Imprints

Neural Circuits and Memory

The neuron is a cell surrounded by electrically charged particles called ions. Some of these ions have a net determined fee and some are negative. If there are more negative ions inside the neuron, the neuron has a negative electrical charge; conversely, if there are more determined ions inside, then the neuron has a determined electrical charge. When the neuron is resting it has a negative electrical charge. However, when the neuron gets information, an electrical signal is propagated straight through a network of neurons by a wave of unquestionably charged neurons. Neurons in networks with numerous synapses and feedback loops constantly receive inputs from other neurons, integrate them and create electrical operation patterns in response. These complex interactions allow neural circuits to process and encode information, keep cognitive functions and control behavior. The neural circuits in our brain are similar to electrical circuits.

Linear Encoder

linear encoder

Canadian psychologist, Donald Hebb, explains memory as a reactivation of the same pattern of neurons that were activated at the time of the primary experience. Reasoning of the Sahara desert activates one network of neurons, while Reasoning of rats fires up an entirely different network. Over the years, some of the neurons die or are incorporated into circuits that recount different experiences. Repeated operation between any two neurons or a network of neurons, however, progress their connections and the memories they represent. When one neuron is activated it tends to activate the others, which collectively re-create the primary pattern that was generated during an experience. Private neurons are complex in many different circuits and thus share in many memories simultaneously. It is this connectivity that gives our brains the great capacity to encode a vast estimate of information.

Holographic Encoding in the Brain and Universe

Following Karl Lashley's work, Karl Pribram, a neurophysiologist at Stanford, proposed that the brain shop facts in the same way as interference patterns are encoded on holographic film. Every element in the primary image is distributed over the whole film. Trillions of brain cells all lead to a particular memory by recording and combining all the signal patterns at once, together with the sensory inputs into the brain. It is the combined firing pattern and interference of trillions of cells that defines a memory. This unique way of storehouse allows the brain to recall in linear sequences and at the same time access multiple memories.

But it is not only the brain which encodes holographically. David Bohm, separately, recognized that the universe itself appears to be a hologram - being projected from the boundary of the universe. This idea has been taken forward more recently by physicists Gerard t' Hooft, Lee Smolin and others under the banner of "the holographic principle". This is not the only asset that the human brain shares with the universe.

Neural Networking in the Cosmic Brain

According to the European Southern Observatory (Eso), "All new computer-simulations of the early universe have one prediction in common: the first large-scale structures to form in the young universe are long filaments connected at their ends in 'nodes'. The models typically look like a three-dimensional spider's web, and look like the neural structure of a brain." Now, astronomers have unquestionably detected a "universal web" - vast filaments of hot gas tracing the web have been "seen" in the current universe. Astronomers using Nasa's X-ray satellite observatory, Chandra, "viewed" the filaments stretching for millions of light years straight through space, with one passing straight through our own galaxy. Astronomers say that the filamentary structures are so hot that it would ordinarily be imperceptible to optical, infrared, and radio telescopes. These imperceptible filaments are detected only because higher density ordinary matter tends to get and harden in them - generating radiation which can be measured by scientists to confirm their existence in intergalactic space.

The descriptive galaxies in the universe are not isolated and disconnected but are interwoven by a filamentary web-like structure - which is the imperceptible dark matter scaffolding of the universe. The web-like structure is both a signature highlight of imperceptible dark matter and magnetic plasma. The appearance of this web bears an uncanny resemblance to a cross-section of the brain. (Refer: Brain vs Universe)

But it is not only the morphology (i.e. Structural aspects) of the large scale structure of the universe which is similar to the human brain but also the physiology (i.e. The functions). These filaments carry currents of charged particles (ions) over large distances that create magnetic fields - similar to a nerve fiber. And they form circuits, just like the neural circuits in the brain.

The high degree of connectivity is what sets the brain apart from an ordinary computer. Connectivity is also apparent in the cosmic web. Galaxies are formed when filaments pinch or cross each other. A nexus of filaments (including thousands of tiny filamentary currents) will provide the connectivity for the replacement of not only power but facts from one galactic nucleus to another. This web-like structure of filaments and vortexes is also similar to the acupuncture meridian law - which includes vortexes called "chakras". Agreeing to Dr David Tansely, "The seven major chakras are formed at points where standing lines of light (or meridians) cross each other 21 times. The 21 minor chakras are located at points where the power strands cross 14 times." These meridians are supported by probably thousands of other smaller filamentary currents. This provides a primary estimate of connectivity in our subtle bodies. Similar filamentary currents in the large-scale structure of the universe also provide a high degree of connectivity in the "cosmic brain".

Over time, tiny filamentary currents grow into large filaments as the estimate of current flowing straight through them increases; in others the current decreases Agreeing to plasma dynamics. These filaments form networks that reflect the state of the universe at a point in time. The filamentary currents therefore appear to be able to create the same mechanics that occurs in a brain - enabling memories to be encoded.

Magnetic fields are generated over vast regions of space and have been detected by astrophysicists. Electrical currents in the brain also create magnetic fields which can be observed by measuring the magnetic fields they create covering the skull in a technique called magneto-encephalography, or Meg.

Cosmic and planetary consciousness can have a valid scientific basis once we realize that the filaments and galaxies in space, and the web-like structure of filaments and vortexes on Earth, can encode information. Surely, if we can accept an electro-chemical basis for the encoding of memories, why not an electromagnetic one in space and interpenetrating the Earth (as in computers using neural networking technology)?

Earth's Brain

In dark plasma theory, it was noted that the lower physical-etheric body of the Earth is also interpenetrated by a web of filaments and vortexes. This structure is even more apparent in the Earth's higher power 3d-Double. These signature structures bear an uncanny resemblance to our brains - composed of nerve fibers punctuated with neural cell bodies. Just like in the cosmic brain, the Earth's (electromagnetic) brain provides a favorable infrastructure for the encoding of memories.

From the 1930s onwards, Wilder Penfield industrialized a surgical policy that allowed him to control on a patient's exposed brain while the inpatient remained fully conscious. As he applied his electrode to the patient's temporal lobe, his patients described complete flashbacks to episodes earlier in his life. If music was involved, this followed the literal, primary tempo; the full score of which the patients would be able to hum with total accuracy - much as an autistic savant would be able to reproduce music with almost complete accuracy - like a recording on a video or ageement disc. Penfield, in his book The mystery of the Mind recounted, "They were electrical activations of the sequential report of consciousness, a report that had been laid down during the patient's earlier experience. The inpatient 're-lived' all that he had been aware of in that earlier duration of time as in a moving-picture 'flashback'." He said, "Each time I re-stimulated, she heard the melody again. It began at the same place and went on from chorus to verse."

Penfield accomplished that the brain shop all its owner has ever experienced in its primary form. The flash-backs seemed to play themselves out in their proper order like scenes in a movie. "Since the electrode may activate a random sample of this strip from the distant past," he reasoned, "and since the most unimportant and completely forgotten periods of time may appear in this sampling, it seems cheap to suppose that the report is complete and that it does contain all periods of each individual's waking conscious life."

But it is not only personal memories that can be accessed. Forensic psychics unquestionably see the scene straight through the "eyes" of the victim (even in cases where the victim had already transited to the next universe) or assailant. Paramahansa Yogananda, a contemporary mystic, recounts (in his book Autobiography of a Yogi) how his consciousness, while in meditation, was transferred to a captain of a sinking ship far away. He lived the harrowing experiences of the captain for any minutes. As the dying captain slipped into unconsciousness, the locus of consciousness was transferred back to Yogananda. This not an isolated case - cases like this have been reported and documented many times. How does the brain housed in one cranium receive facts from the brain of another person (dead or alive) from a different part of Earth? Some say a psychic is reading the 'Akashic records'.

The Akashic Records

The movie-like report of experiences that Penfield observed is similar (almost identical) to what has been observed by readers of the Akashic records and also near-death experiencers during "life-reviews". Metaphysicists have identified the records imprinted in space as the "Akashic records". These records are said to be memories encoded in the fabric of spacetime. (The term "Akashic" is derived from a Sanskrit term which means "space".) Or maybe they are encoded within the imperceptible dark matter scaffolding of the universe i.e. The web-like structure of filaments and vortexes that surround and interpenetrate the universe and the Earth.

According to metaphysicist, Charles Leadbeater, if the observer is not focusing on them, the Akashic records plainly form the background to anyone is going on - reflecting the Reasoning operation of a greater consciousness on a far higher plane which is accessible to us. We are in a sense living in this much larger brain. This suggests that all human beings (and other life-forms) can and do use the shared (information processing) services of Earth's "brain".

Observing the dynamic and visual Akashic records would be like watching a larger brain's movie from a distance. Associative memory ensures that thoughts relating to the same matter are connected - resulting in databases and exact types of environments - as evidenced in the Akashic records. Both heaven and hell may be accessed straight through the Earth's brain. No doubt, this is also the basis of Carl Jung's "collective unconscious".

Earth's Memory and Paranormal Imprints

There is evidence that Earth encodes memories. Agreeing to the paranormal literature, ghosts sometimes do not appear to be conscious. They are completely oblivious to observers, and all the time look and act the same - almost like a movie being replayed over and over again. These are called "imprints" or "residual hauntings" in the paranormal literature.

Paranormal researchers believe that imprints occur when a vast estimate of paranormal power is left behind and is replayed time after time at the same location and often at the same time of day. Events that trigger such an power release are fights, murders, rapes, kidnappings, or wars. Renowned examples of imprints contain the many Civil War Battlefields over the United States. In the battlefields of Gettysburg Pennsylvania the roar of cannon fire and the sounds of gunshots can often be heard in the evening hours. The smell of gun powder can also sometimes be detected in and around the road where fierce fighting took place for many hours during the Battle of Antietam in Sharpsburg Maryland.

It is still not ordinarily understood how these "energy imprints" takes place. Some popular theories contain the notions that the building materials "soak up the energy" of the location and replay these stored energies at a later time or it is power stored in the climate which is activated by changes in the atmosphere. Agreeing to dark plasma law "imprints" in the paranormal literature can be attributed to interactions between our brains and the Earth's brain. Every time a person intrudes into a location in the Earth's brain in which a memory is encoded, the memory is activated and replayed - similar to the memories that were activated and replayed by Penfield when he applied an electrode to exact locations in his patients' brains. However, most of the time these activated memories remain in our subconscious - only a noteworthy memory (usually endowed with strong emotions) in the Earth's brain can pop-up in our conscious awareness. Psychics, however, may sense Earth's memories and are conscious of their replays more often than others.

Interactions between Earth's Brain and our Brains

When forensic psychics access the memory of a victim or an assailant in a crime scene; or the memory connected with a particular location, a continuous flow of facts could be taking place between their brains and the "Earth's brain". This may also be true when we access the Akashic records intentionally or unintentionally. Similarly, in "group consciousness", telepathy and remote viewing, the Earth's "neural networks" may be used by the participants. When the locus of consciousness of an Private moves into the Earth's brain, the Private identity is transcended.

Internalization of the Universe and Individuation

Butterflies have more photo-receptors in their visual law than we do. Because of this, their visual systems are much better than ours in determined respects. While we have a big occipital lobe in our large brains to process visual facts the butterfly does a superior job with brains that are mere specks two millimeters in size and which is able to process larger amounts of facts advent from its more numerous photo-receptors. Scientists have no clue as to how they do it. Plants and amoeba go about their complex activities without having brains. The single-celled slime mould even solves mazes every time it is tested. Brains are made of cells but this particular cell (slime mould) behaves as if it had a brain. Where is this brain and facts processing power advent from? Many discoveries, scientific and artistic ideas come about when scientists or artists are not actively Reasoning about them. Where does this brain emanating from below our conscious radar come from?

It appears that as bodies evolve brains (in particular, the cortex) that come to be larger (in proportion to the body) the more the life-form gets cut-off from non-local universal brain and has to rely on local brain in the brains housed within their bodies. Human beings, in particular, have come to be increasingly estranged from universal intelligence. We create our own universes within our brains which compete with the universal brain for our conscious attention. The memories generated by our personal universes then get fed back into Earth's brain resulting in communal apparitions such as the Marian apparitions, apparitions of Ufos and other apparitions.

The only times we reconnect with the universal brain is when determined persistent neural processes or circuits in our brains are intentionally (as in meditation or induced trances) or unintentionally (as in brain damage due to accidents or curative conditions) broken down or "switched off". The life-forms lower down the evolutionary chain (with no or tiny brains), however, may be using universal brain almost all the time.

Universal Brain and Cosmic Consciousness

The Earth appears to have a brain but how does it get sensory inputs? One way is to create life-forms. The myriad of life-forms (including human beings) on Earth are in fact the many eyes and ears of the Earth. The networks of currents in the brains of life-forms are an integral part of the network of currents in Earth's brain. It is in the universe's interest to create life-forms so that it can see, hear, taste, touch and smell and come to be aware of itself.

If we are unquestionably connected to the Earth's brain, which is connected to a universal brain, it also means that we share a universal brain which can have feel with the brains of other planets that bring up life-forms that create their own memories. Exciting life-forms can send facts (either intentionally or unintentionally) via the universal brain directly to our brains.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007

Earth's Brain, Akashic Records and Paranormal Imprints

linear encoder

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